
Themes of the eco forum

  • Discussion of national and global water problems and solutions
  • Presentation of innovations and forward-looking concepts in the field of water supply and wastewater treatment, as well as in related sectors such as waste management, energy conservation and climate change
  • Reforms in ecology legislation. The European experience in reorganizing utilities market
  • Investments in modernization. Energy-saving and ecological projects in Ukraine
About Eco Forum
The venue of meeting representatives of science, politics and business who have an impact on the ecology field, save and protection of natural water resources, care about the development of the water utilities sector 1
The best format for sharing experience, thoughts and ideas in the water and energy sector of the national economy 2
The platform for attracting investments and modern technologies in the unique Ukrainian market with capacity of 7 billion dollars 3
A unique chance to present successful practices for improving ecological /energy security. Renewable energy in Ukraine and in the world. Energy from wastes, sludges of treatment plants, thermal and hydropower 4
Development of social dialogue with the community on effective water usage, water protection, promotion of ecological education 5
Exceptional opportunity to enrich ones knowledge, to share experience, to gain new contacts and contracts 6